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contribute [2021/01/13 10:38] – created Igorcontribute [2023/01/26 06:06] (current) – external edit
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 **Step 1** - Click the [[https://atarilynxdev.net/doku.php/start?do=register|Register]] account link... **Step 1** - Click the [[https://atarilynxdev.net/doku.php/start?do=register|Register]] account link...
-{{ ::register_2.png?nolink&900 |}}+{{ ::register_2.png?900&nolink }}
 **Step 2** - Fill in your username, real name (or just a nickname you want to use) and your email address... **Step 2** - Fill in your username, real name (or just a nickname you want to use) and your email address...
-{{ ::register_1.png?nolink&900 |}}+{{ ::register_1.png?900&nolink }}
-**Step 3** - Email one of the admins to express your interest in being an editor or a section lead.+**Step 3** - [[contact|Email]] one of the admins to express your interest in being an editor or a section lead.
 **Step 4** - Wait for your access to be approved. You will not be able to make changes until you're given the right permissions. **Step 4** - Wait for your access to be approved. You will not be able to make changes until you're given the right permissions.