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lynx:hardware [2021/01/13 06:15] Igorlynx:hardware [2023/01/26 06:06] (current) – external edit
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-====== Atari Lynx Development Hardware ======+====== Atari Lynx Hardware ======
-This hardware will let you run and test your LNX ROMs. The programmer Pi-Hat will let you create Lynx cartridges similar to official releases.+===== Lynx Hardware Notes =====
-===== Original (Legacy) Hardware =====+  * [[lynx:Repairing The Lynx]] 
 +  * [[lynx:Buttons and Cartridge Pins]] 
 +===== Original (Legacy) Development Hardware ===== 
 +This hardware will let you run and test your LNX ROMs.
 FIXME Document this! FIXME Document this!
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 ===== Making Your Own Cartridges ===== ===== Making Your Own Cartridges =====
 + The programmer Pi-Hat will let you create Lynx cartridges similar to official releases.
   * [[https://atarigamer.com/pages/how-to-make-a-homebrew-atari-lynx-cartridge|How to make a homebrew Atari Lynx cartridge]]   * [[https://atarigamer.com/pages/how-to-make-a-homebrew-atari-lynx-cartridge|How to make a homebrew Atari Lynx cartridge]]
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   * [[https://atarigamer.com/pages/installing-the-atari-lynx-cartridge-reader-writer-board-onto-your-raspberry-pi|Installing the Atari Lynx cartridge reader/writer board onto your Raspberry Pi]]   * [[https://atarigamer.com/pages/installing-the-atari-lynx-cartridge-reader-writer-board-onto-your-raspberry-pi|Installing the Atari Lynx cartridge reader/writer board onto your Raspberry Pi]]
-FIXME Document the cartridge STL, 3D printing process, etc.+  * [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3854241|Atari Gamer Lynx Curved Lip Cartridge Shell]] 
 +  * [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4741538|Atari Lynx PiHat Cartridge Reader/Writer Case]]
 ===== 8bit-Hub ===== ===== 8bit-Hub =====