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lynx:tutorials [2021/01/13 05:15] – [C Language Tutorial for Atari Lynx] Igorlynx:tutorials [2024/04/05 03:05] (current) – [C Language Tutorial for Atari Lynx] Igor
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 ===== C Language Tutorial for Atari Lynx ===== ===== C Language Tutorial for Atari Lynx =====
-[[https://atarilynxdeveloper.wordpress.com/|Alex Thissen (LX.net)]]%% has created an excellent series of tutorials that will get you coding on the Lynx in no time. This should be your #1 starting point once you're familiar with C/Assembly.%%+[[https://atarilynxdeveloper.wordpress.com/|Alex Thissen (LX.net)]] has created an excellent series of tutorials that will get you coding on the Lynx in no time. This should be your #1 starting point once you're familiar with C/Assembly.
   - [[https://atarilynxdeveloper.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/programming-tutorial-part-1getting-started/|Getting started]]   - [[https://atarilynxdeveloper.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/programming-tutorial-part-1getting-started/|Getting started]]
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   - [[https://atarilynxdeveloper.wordpress.com/2014/09/10/programming-tutorial-part-18files/|Files]]   - [[https://atarilynxdeveloper.wordpress.com/2014/09/10/programming-tutorial-part-18files/|Files]]
-%%If you use macOS skip **Part 2** above and read this article instead - %%[[https://atarigamer.com/articles/setting-up-development-tools-for-atari-lynx-programming-on-macos|Setting up development tools for Atari Lynx programming on macOS]]%%.%%+If you use macOS skip **Part 2** above and read this article instead - [[https://atarigamer.com/articles/setting-up-development-tools-for-atari-lynx-programming-on-macos|Setting up development tools for Atari Lynx programming on macOS]]. 
 +To get the most out of CC65 and the Lynx, check out this note - [[https://github.com/ilmenit/CC65-Advanced-Optimizations|Advanced optimizations in CC65]] ⚙️ and make sure to follow the [[https://cc65.github.io/doc/coding.html|CC65 coding hints]] 🛠️. 
 +===== Assembly Language Tutorial for Atari Lynx ===== 
 +[[http://www.chibiakumas.com/|ChibiAkumas]] has created an excellent tutorial series, [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/?theme=print|Learn Multi platform 6502 Assembly Programming... For Monsters!]] If you want to get the most performance out of a Lynx, this is where you should head on over. 
 +  - [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/?theme=print#Lesson1|Getting started with 6502]] 
 +  - [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/?theme=print#Lesson2|Addressing modes on the 6502]] 
 +  - [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/?theme=print#Lesson3|Loops and Conditions]] 
 +  - [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/?theme=print#Lesson4|Stacks and Math]] 
 +  - [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/?theme=print#Lesson5|Bits and Shifts]] 
 +  - [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/?theme=print#Lesson6|Defined data, Aligned data... Lookup Tables, Vector Tables, and Self-modifying code!]] 
 +  * [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/atarilynx.php|65c02 Assembly programming for the Atari Lynx]] 
 +  * [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/CheatSheet.pdf|6502 Assembly Language Cheat Sheet]] 
 +  * [[http://www.chibiakumas.com/6502/platform.php#LessonP4|Bitmap Functions on the Atari Lynx]]