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Atari Lynx Programming Tutorials

Programming for the Atari Lynx is simple to learn compared to some of the other retro 16-bit consoles. There are two different routes to take - Assembly or using C for your code. There are a number of supporting tools available to make tasks like image to sprite conversion and MIDI to Lynx sound conversion easier. This page will provide links to resources that are both created by Atari Gamer and those available elsewhere on the Internet to help you get started writing your first games on the Lynx.

Learn C and/or 6502 Assembly

Before jumping into Atari Lynx programming it's essential to learn how to code in C and/or 6502 Assembly. It's possible to create your games completely in one or the other, but understanding both has great advantages.

C Language Tutorial for Atari Lynx

Alex Thissen ( has created an excellent series of tutorials that will get you coding on the Lynx in no time. This should be your #1 starting point once you're familiar with C/Assembly.

If you use macOS skip Part 2 above and read this article instead - Setting up development tools for Atari Lynx programming on macOS.

To get the most out of CC65 and the Lynx, check out this note - Advanced optimizations in CC65 ⚙️ and make sure to follow the CC65 coding hints 🛠️.

Assembly Language Tutorial for Atari Lynx

lynx/tutorials.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 03:05
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